Results for 'Madalina Cristina Putinei'

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  1.  84
    Companion to Heidegger’s Contributions to Philosophy. [REVIEW]Cristina Ionescu, Mãdãlina Diaconu, Janko Lozar, Victor Popescu, Viorel Nita, Stefan Nicolae & Cristian Ciocan - 2003 - Studia Phaenomenologica 3 (1):277-307.
    Charles E. SCOTT, Susan M. SCHOENBOHM, Daniela VALLEGA-NEU, Alejandro VALLEGA, Companion to Heidegger’s Contributions to Philosophy, IndianaUniversity Press, Bloomington & Indianapolis, 2001 ; Gernot BÖHME, Aisthetik. Vorlesungen über Ästhetik als allgemeine Wahrnehmungslehre, Wilhelm Fink Verlag, München, 2001 ; Dean KOMEL, Osnutja k Filozofski in Kulturni Hermenevtiki [Outlines to Philosophical and Cultural Hermeneutics], Nova revija, Ljubljana, 2001 ; Marc RICHIR, L’institution de l’idéalité. Des schématismes phénoménologiques, Association pour la promotion de la Phénoménologie, Paris, 2002 ; Fred EVANS & Leonard LAWLOR, Chiasms. (...)
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  2. Book reviews (Martin HEIDEGGER, Reden und andere Zeugnisse eines Lebensweges; ..., etc.). [REVIEW]Gabriel Cercel, Attila Szigeti, Cristian Ciocan, Cristina Ionescu, Mădălina Diaconu, Roxana Albu, Bogdan Mincă, Bogdan Tătaru-Cazaban & Mihail Neamţu - 2001 - Studia Phaenomenologica 1 (1):319-435.
    "Gabriel Cercel: Martin HEIDEGGER, Reden und andere Zeugnisse eines Lebensweges; Attila Szigeti: Emmanuel LEVINAS, Positivité et transcendance. Suivi de Lévinas et la phenomenology; Cristian Ciocan: Jean-Luc MARION, Crucea vizibilului; Gabriel Cercel: Mădălina DIACONU, Blickumkehr. Mit Martin Heidegger zu einer relationalen ästhetik; Cristina Ionescu: Mark WRATHALL, Jeff MALPAS, Essays in Honour of Hubert L. Dreyfus; Cristian Ciocan: Ion COPOERU, Aparenţă şi sens. Repere ale fenomenologiei constitutive; Cristian Ciocan: Michael INWOOD, A Heidegger Dictionary; Cristian Ciocan: Linda FISCHER, Lester EMBREE, Feminist Phenomenology; (...)
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    Myths, Archetypes And Stereotypes In Contemporary Romanian Advertising Communication.Delia Cristina Balaban - 2010 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 9 (26):244-248.
    Review of Mădălina Moraru, Mit și publicitate (Myth and advertising) (Bucharest: Nemira, 2009).
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  4. Filosofía Lúdica: Pensar jugando desde el cuerpo en movimiento (8th edition).Cristina Toti - 2024 - Revista Pensar Juntos 8:1-17.
    El artículo tiene como objetivo explorar el papel del juego y del enfoque lúdico dentro de la Filosofía Lúdica (Filú), un movimiento educativo arraigado en la Filosofía para Niños y Niñas (FpN). Desde la perspectiva de un aprendiz, se subraya que, en la evolución de Filú, el juego no se considera simplemente un componente adicional, sino un pilar esencial, especialmente cuando lo lúdico se integra de manera crucial en el proceso de aprendizaje junto al cuerpo. La dimensión lúdica abarca diversos (...)
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  5. ¡Quiero dinero! Una reflexión sobre el uso del cuento en espacios de activación ciudadana (8th edition).Cristina Toti - 2024 - Revista Pensar Juntos 8.
    Este artículo explora el uso del cuento “¡Quiero dinero!”, parte de la colección “Cuentos para pensar” de Angélica Sátiro, como recurso pedagógico en sesiones de filosofía para niños y niñas, en distintos contextos. Entre 2015 y 2019, se organizaron talleres tanto en escuelas primarias como en espacios de organización ciudadana, involucrando a adultos en proyectos relacionados con la “otra economía”. Los talleres tenían como objetivos fomentar la conciencia sobre los significados personales atribuidos a conceptos y prácticas económicas, así como los (...)
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    Il tempo dell'uomo e il tempo di Dio: filosofie del tempo in una prospettiva interdisciplinare.Adriano Fabris & Maria Cristina Bartolomei (eds.) - 2001 - Roma: GLF editori Laterza.
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  7. On the translation from quantified modal logic to counterpart theory.Cristina Nencha - 2022 - Synthese 200 (5):1-15.
    Lewis (1968) claims that his language of Counterpart Theory (CT) interprets modal discourse and he adverts to a translation scheme from the language of Quantifed Modal Logic (QML) to CT. However, everybody now agrees that his original translation scheme does not always work, since it does not always preserve the ‘intuitive’ meaning of the translated QML-formulas. Lewis discusses this problem with regard to the Necessitist Thesis, and I will extend his discourse to the analysis of the Converse Barcan Formula. Everyone (...)
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    Why Contextualist Approaches to Essences are worth Pursuing.Cristina Nencha - 2024 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 80 (4):971-994.
    In this paper, my goal is to delve into several reasons that support adopting modal contextualist frameworks for understanding essences, and to show why they deserve further consideration. Contextualist approaches, in my view, are often dismissed because too much emphasis is placed on their disadvantages. For this reason, I advocate for a discussion that encompasses not only the advantages but also the drawbacks, some of which I believe have been overestimated. Although my main focus will be on David Lewis’s proposal, (...)
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  9. Aristotelian essentialism in David Lewis's theory.Cristina Nencha - 2022 - Philosophical Inquiries 10 (2):9-37.
    David Lewis is usually thought to reject what Quine called “Aristotelian essentialism”. The starting point of this paper is to define and explain Aristotelian essentialism and locate it in the context of the criticism that Quine made of quantified modal logic. Indeed, according to Quine, Aristotelian essentialism would be one of the consequences of accepting quantified modal logic. After having explained Lewis’s stance in the Quinean debate against quantified modal logic, this paper will deal with the question as to whether (...)
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  10.  27
    Artifacting Identity. How Grillz, Ball Gags and Gas Masks Expand the Face.Cristina Voto & Elsa Soro - 2022 - Topoi 41 (4):771-783.
    By questioning the attribution of a primary role to the eyes as bearers of identity within traditional Western culture, this paper will problematize the agentivity performed by the lower mereology of the face, identified with the mouth-nose assemblage. In particular, the study will focus on the manipulation of such facial spatiality through the intervention of three “lower face” artifacts: the grill, the ball gag and the gas mask. This piece of work will examine their plastic and figurative dimensions in the (...)
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  11.  15
    Aprendiz E a (im)possibilidade da autonomia.Débora Cristina Vasconcelos Aguiar & Paulo Meireles Barguil - 2021 - Filosofia E Educação 13 (2):2516-2546.
    Atores com distintas perspectivas educacionais têm utilizado, cada vez mais, o vocábulo autonomia de acordo com os seus interesses. Objetivamos com este artigo, que é uma revisão de literatura, discutir sobre a autonomia a partir de enfoques da Filosofia, da Psicologia e da Sociologia. As contribuições de autores como Rousseau, Kant, Freud, Adorno, Agamben, Piaget, Kamii, Martins, Freire, Barguil, dentre outros, enriquecem uma leitura interdisciplinar da complexa relação entre autonomia e Educação. Concluímos que a autonomia não é uma característica do (...)
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    Becoming a Psychotherapist: Learning Practices and Identity Construction Across Communities of Practice.Francesca Alby, Cristina Zucchermaglio & Marilena Fatigante - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Within a perspective that views groups as communities of practice and sites of construction of knowledge, learning, and identity, this article aims to explore the contribution that participation in different groups over the course of one’s life provides to the development of the professional practices of psychotherapist trainees enrolled in the C.O.I.R.A.G. school, an Italian graduate program in group psychotherapy. Through qualitative analyses of 10 semi-structured interviews, our study empirically shows that by participating in groups, the trainees not only learn (...)
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    Dewey in postwar-Italy: The case of re-education.Cristina Allemann-Ghionda - 2000 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 19 (1):53-67.
    After the end of the Second World War, Italy was the first Axis country, to undergo a process of “reeducation” by the allied troops, focusing initially on the education system. Under the direction of American scholars and school innovators, school syllabi and textbooks were rewritten in order to replace the ideological indoctrination exerted by the Fascist regime from 1923 to 1943 with democratic ideas. This article reconstructs different phases of the influence of John Dewey’s progressive education in Italy. This influence (...)
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    Ética, tecnologia E responsabilidade: Uma abordagem a partir do pensamento de Hans Jonas.Isabel Cristina Rocha Hipólito Gonçalves & Eryck Kawã Pereira Torres - 2019 - Cadernos Do Pet Filosofia 10 (20):01-11.
    Neste trabalho nos ocupamos centralmente em compreender a proposta ética de Hans Jonas e como ele apresenta o Princípio Responsabilidade como uma categoria ética a ser norteadora das ações humanas. Apresentamos um breve histórico do desenvolvimento da Filosofia da Tecnologia enquanto uma disciplina filosófica específica e, então, discutimos as principais considerações de Jonas sobre a necessidade de uma ética inteiramente nova que tome a técnica como objeto e a proposta que este apresente de uma ética do futuro pautada na responsabi (...)
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    Simone Weil tra politica, filosofia e mistica.Maria Cristina Laurenti - 2007 - Roma: Anicia.
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    O Ensino Primário e a Política Educacional do Paraná.Maria Cristina Gomes Machado & Cristiane Silva Melo - 2012 - Dialogos 16 (Supl.).
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    Spiders, Ants, and Bees: Francis Bacon and the Methodology of Natural Philosophy.Doina-Cristina Rusu - 2020 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 9 (2):27-51.
    This paper argues that the methodology Francis Bacon used in his natural histories abides by the theoretical commitments presented in his methodological writings. On the one hand, Bacon advocated a middle way between idle speculation and mere gathering of facts. On the other hand, he took a strong stance against the theorisation based on very few facts. Using two of his sources whom Bacon takes to be the reflection of these two extremes—Giambattista della Porta as an instance of idle speculations, (...)
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    Defesa psíquica na primeira tópica freudiana: por que as pulsões são reprimidas?Aline Sanches & Josiane Cristina Bocchi - 2021 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 33 (58).
    Desde o início da teorização freudiana, inibição, defesa e censura são processos que devem incidir sobre as pulsões. O primitivo pulsional precisa ser reprimido ou transformado. Este artigo problematiza a relação entre as pulsões sexuais e a defesa psíquica, ao longo do período pré-psicanalítico e da primeira tópica freudiana. Situamos o conflito entre sexualidade e repressão, apontado por Freud como característico das psiconeuroses, enquanto que nas neuroses atuais a angústia está relacionada a um registro quantitativo e não exatamente a um (...)
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  19.  31
    The typographical mark and other symbols used by the printers known under the name António Álvares.Ana Cristina Torres - 2014 - Cultura:123-139.
    O objectivo deste artigo é analisar a insígnia profissional e outros símbolos tipográficos usados pelos membros de uma família de impressores de nome António Álvares, que trabalharam em Lisboa nos séculos XVI e XVII. Inicia-se com uma súmula dos dados biográficos e da actividade destes profissionais; segue-se a apresentação da marca tipográfica e de outras gravuras; e conclui-se com uma breve reflexão sobre a importância do estudo das marcas tipográficas para a compreensão do trabalho dos impressores, que inclui a detecção (...)
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  20.  35
    Paul Ricœur and Clifford Geertz: The Harmonic Dialogue between Philosophical Hermeneutics and Cultural Anthropology.Maria Cristina Clorinda Vendra - 2020 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 11 (1):49-64.
    Human experience has a symbolic structure. By focusing on the symbolism of human action, this essay considers the reciprocal influences and the essential differences between Paul Ricœur’s hermeneutics and Clifford Geertz’s cultural anthropology. Through reference to Ricœur’s Lectures on Ideology and Utopia, the section on “Ideology, Utopia, and Politics” in From Text to Action, and Geertz’s 1973 book The Interpretation of Cultures, this paper aims at reconstructing the dialogue between these thinkers. I begin with a broad framing of the encounter (...)
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  21.  6
    Lurking Glares. A Comparative Critique of Latency and Cryptotypes.Cristina Costantini - 2024 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 37 (5):1617-1627.
    Based on Rodolfo Sacco’s passionate research on cryptotypes and mute law, the essay aims to propose an onto-aesthetic understanding of latency in law. Inspired by a transdisciplinary way of thinking, the Author elevates comparative law to the privileged site where a critique of the unexpressed can be performed; the degree of figurality of the law can be uncovered and measured; an economy of surplus can be disclosed as the proper segnatorial trait of the material appearances of the law. In this (...)
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  22. First-person authority and the social aspects of self-knowledge.Cristina Borgoni - 2025 - In Jennifer Lackey & Aidan McGlynn (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Social Epistemology. New York, NY, United States of America: Oxford University Press.
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    Scapegoats or Agents of the State Dissolution? - The Comintern, Romanian communists, and the Grivița strike in February 1933.Cristina Diac - 2024 - History of Communism in Europe 14:131-160.
    Romanian Prime Minister Al. Vaida-Voevod aired the “communist danger” that “threatens the constitutional order and aims to dismantle the Greater Romania” when he asked for parliamentary support for the Law on state of siege (martial law) in February 1933. This article will investigate the role of the transnational communist networks in Romania in the Grivița strikes to verify the truthfulness of the Prime Minister’s discourse. The communists’ role in the Grivița strikes is part of the general performance of these transnational (...)
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  24. Subjunctive : a manifesto about language, territory, and the yet to come".Cristina Rivera Garza - 2025 - In Phoebe Boswell, Saidiya V. Hartman, Janaina Oliveira, Joseph M. Pierce, Cristina Rivera Garza & Christina Elizabeth Sharpe (eds.), Five manifestos for the beautiful world. Durham: Duke University Press.
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    Transgressive Acts: Michel Foucault's Lessons on Resistance for Nurses.Cristina Moreno-Mulet, Joaquín Valdivielso-Navarro, Margalida Miró-Bonet, Alba Carrero-Planells & Denise Gastaldo - 2025 - Nursing Philosophy 26 (1):e70008.
    In this paper, we bring together Foucault's biography and oeuvre to explore key concepts that support the analysis of nurses' acts of resistance. Foucault reflected on the power relations taking place in health services, making his contribution especially useful for the analysis of resistance in this context. Over three decades, he proposed a nonnormative philosophy while concomitantly engaging in transgressive practices guided by values such as human rights and social justice. Hence, Foucault's philosophy and public activism are an apparent contradiction, (...)
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    Gammadiae, simbolo di santità e autorevolezza: cambiamenti morfologici dall’antichità al Medioevo.Giulia Abbatiello & Cristina Cumbo - 2022 - Augustinianum 62 (1):205-235.
    The so-called gammadiae are symbols similar to letters whose specific meaning is unknown. It is currently believed that they could have originated among Hellenistic Jews, and been inherited by Christians, who adapted them to own needs. They seem to have indicated the holiness of the characters marked by them. Building on previous analysis and on the recent systematic cataloguing of the Early Christian catacombs of Rome, as well as a range of other artefacts, we examine two lesser known archaeological finds, (...)
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  27. Filosofia e teologia: la rivelazione e il dire di Dio.Maria Cristina Bartolomei - 2005 - In Claudio Ciancio & Roberto Mancini (eds.), Approssimazioni alla trascendenza: idea di Dio e fede religiosa nella filosofia contemporanea: atti del convegno di studi nel settantesimo compleanno di Giovanni Ferretti: Macerata, 22-24 Maggio 2003. Pisa: Istituti editoriali e poligrafici internazionali.
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    Il tradurre, tra verità ed etica: la Bibbia.Maria Cristina Bartolomei - 2007 - Doctor Virtualis 7:169-191.
    I testi biblici si guardano, rinviano l'uno all'altro, si citano si rispecchiano l'uno nell'altro, e il frutto di tale rispecchiamento precipita a formare nuovi strati testuali.
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    Tomismo e principio di non contraddizione.Maria Cristina Bartolomei - 1973 - Padova,: CEDAM.
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    Cuestión de olfato.Cristina de Peretti Della Rocca - 2007 - Convivium: revista de filosofía 20:223-237.
    This study addresses philosophy’s traditional rejection of the sense of smell, taking into account the most unpleasant but also the most beneficial aspects of odour, from antiquity to the present day. The topic is investigated following a thread through several texts by Derrida, Nietzsche, and Freud. It explains the reasons– sometimes apparent, sometimes hidden– behind the most palpable effects of the philosophical marginalization of the sense of smell.
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    Tradição, Tomismo e Teísmo na Filosofia Moral de Alasdair MacIntyre.Isabel Cristina Rocha Hipólito Gonçalves - 2019 - Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 9 (18):235.
    Alasdair MacIntyre ao realizar uma série de críticas à moralidade e filosofia moral modernas e contemporâneas defende a tese de que o desacordo moral e a ausência de justificação racional para a moralidade é fruto do abandono do elemento teleológico da ética, especialmente do abandono da ética aristotélica, o que o leva a propor a retomada da ética teleológica de Aristóteles. Essa retomada é justificada com a teoria da racionalidade das tradições, por meio da afirmação de que o modo tradicional (...)
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    Desvelando fanatismos cotidianos de la mano de un niño.Cristina Betrian I. Piquet - 2003 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 3:11-40.
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    De “dança de negros” a patrimônio cultural: notas sobre a trajetória histórica do jongo do sudeste brasileiro.Silvia Cristina Martins de Souza E. Silva - 2012 - Dialogos 16 (2).
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  34. Significação e ato ilocucionário.Vera Cristina de Andrade Bueno - 1986 - In de Souza Filho & Danilo Marcondes (eds.), Significado, verdade e ação: ensaios de filosofia analítica da linguagem. Niterói: EDUFF.
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  35. Vínculo afectivo: discapacidad e inclusión. Una experiencia en jardines del Distrito.Leidy Cristina Sáchica Cepeda, Diana Emilse Moreno Peña & Dorián Iván González Mendoza - 2013 - Revista Aletheia 5 (1).
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    Chronique.Cristina Corgas-Bernard - 2009 - Médecine et Droit 2009 (98-99):155-166.
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    Modèles de causalité chez Plotin.Cristina D'Ancona - 2009 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 90 (3):361.
    L’idée d’une discontinuité radicale entre l’Un et l’être intelligible a été parfois comprise comme la thèse la plus intéressante de Plotin pour l’histoire de la métaphysique. En effet, à côté de passages où Plotin établit un rapport de ressemblance entre l’effet et la cause, il y en a d’autres où une théorie de la causalité des principes est introduite, selon laquelle le principe « donne ce qu’il n’a pas ». Dans le but d’examiner si cette théorie conduit Plotin à soutenir (...)
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  38. The Role of Reflection and the Formation of the Concept of the Understanding in the CPR.Vera Cristina de Andrade Bueno - 2008 - In Valerio Hrsg v. Rohden, Ricardo Terra & Guido Almeida (eds.), Recht und Frieden in der Philosophie Kants. de Gruyter. pp. vol. 2, 121-133.
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    El texto de ‘uera rel.’ 3,3.Cristina De La Fuente - 2022 - Augustinus 67 (264-265):53-65.
    In the present article, after reviewing the existing bibliography on De uera religione, a study is made of the text of the uera rel. 3, 3, where St. Augustine presents what we have called a Platonic dialogue written by the Doctor of Hippo himself. The dialogue is analysed, presenting first of all the “lectio magistralis” that Augustine puts in Plato’s mouth, pointing out from this discourse the contingency of created beings and their link with the concept of creatio ex nihilo (...)
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    Nietzsche: por una política del individuo.Maria Cristina Fornari - 2021 - Araucaria 23 (46).
    Although Nietzsche never formulated an actual political theory, his critique of modernity and his search for alternative solutions to raise the 'human type' are certainly part of a “große Politik” project, which, however, belongs more to the realm of philosophy and culture than to that of a science of government. In opposition to homologating organisations - political, economic, moral - that have robbed man of his most peculiar energies, Nietzsche works for the promotion of a strong individuality that alone can (...)
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    La Organización Panamericana de la Salud como modelo para la cooperación sanitaria internacional.Ana Cristina Gallego Hernández - 2024 - Araucaria 26 (57).
    Frente a las duras pandemias y condiciones insalubres, desde mediados del S. XIX comienza a desarrollarse una verdadera cooperación internacional por la seguridad sanitaria. En este sentido, en 1902 se crea la Oficina Sanitaria Internacional, la primera organización internacional de salud de la historia, pero de ámbito regional. Esta es la antecesora de la actual OPS (Organización Panamericana de Salud) y es el resultado de múltiples conferencias que se celebraron a nivel panamericano, en la Unión Internacional de Repúblicas Americanas, actual (...)
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  42. Group myths can create shared understanding even if they don't act as superstimuli.Moshe Hoffman & Cristina Moya - 2024 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47:e181.
    Sijilmassi et al. argue that myths around shared ancestry and history exploit an evolved psychology of interdependence. In contrast, we argue that psychological exploitation is not required. Rather, such myths may be one method, among many, to create a shared understanding of group boundaries, which can be “self-enforcing.” We summarize the game-theoretic basis for this account and some supportive evidence.
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  43. Os Projetos de Reforma da Escola Pública no Brasil Propostos entre 1870 e 1886: A Ênfase na Formação Moral do Cidadão.Maria Cristina Gomes Machado - 2005 - Quaestio: Revista de Estudos Em Educação 7 (2).
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  44. Os direitos são do homem ou do estado?Maria Cristina Müller & Miriam Giro - 2009 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 29 (2):41-62.
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  45. Introduzione alla filosofia: il problema della verità.Cristina D'Ancona Costa - 1978 - Roma: Volpe.
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    A insurreição em Levantando do chão: da ordem social às vicissitudes do romance.Thaís Cristina da Silva - 2020 - Revista Philia Filosofia, Literatura e Arte 2 (1):510-532.
    O artigo realiza uma análise sobre o gênero narrativo por meio da leitura do romance Levantado do chão, de José Saramago. Para isso, discutimos as vicissitudes do romance e da epopeia amparados nas perspectivas teóricas de Bakhtin e Lukács sobre o romance e, posteriormente, analisamos elementos constitutivos da presente obra. A pesquisa constata a subversão das formas narrativas mediante um projeto de reescrita da história portuguesa por Saramago, marcado por um ideário de retomada e valorização do povo português oprimido, à (...)
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    (1 other version)Manuscritos de Medicina y Farmacia rioplatenses: un estudio comparativo entre la Materia Médica Misionera y el o Libro de CirugíaManuscritos de Medicina e Farmácia rioplatenses: um estudo comparativo entre a Materia Médica Misionera e o Libro de CirugíaManuscripts of Medicine and Pharmacy from the Plata River: a comparative study between Materia Médica Misionera and the Libro de Cirugía.Eliane Cristina Deckmann Fleck & Maico Biehl - 2020 - Corpus: Archivos virtuales de la alteridad americana.
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    From Quill to Mouse: Digitizing the ‘Woman of Letters’ 1861-1922.Ombretta Frau & Cristina Gragnani - 2015 - Humanist Studies and the Digital Age 4 (1):98-107.
    : This article describes a project in Italian Digital Women’s Studies,, which is currently being developed in collaboration with our two universities, and consists of an interpretive, thematic website on the material culture of Italian female intellectuals between 1861 and 1922. We envision as a tool that allows to investigate women’s agency in promoting social change and the interconnections between women writers’ material culture, their private space, their access to the public sphere and the impact of the new (...)
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    La teoría comunicacional del derecho y otras direcciones del pensamiento jurídico contemporáneo: libro homenaje al profesor Gregorio Robles.Cristina Hermida del Llano, Diego Medina Morales, María J. Roca & Gregorio Robles (eds.) - 2020 - Valencia: Tirant lo Blanch.
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    Las críticas a la modernidad en la filosofía latinoamericana.María Cristina Liendo - 2008 - [Córdoba, Argentina]: UNC, Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades.
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